Join Us For The Greenville Gateway Charrette
February 18-22, 2022
A charrette is an intensive planning session where citizens, designers and others collaborate on a vision for development. It provides a forum for ideas and offers the unique advantage of giving immediate feedback to the designers. More importantly, it allows everyone who participates to be a mutual author of the plan. The team of design experts and consultants will set up a full working office near the project site for the duration of the charrette. Formal and informal meetings with the public are held throughout the event and updates to the plan are presented periodically. Through brainstorming and design activity, many goals are accomplished during the charrette. First, everyone who has a stake in the project develops a vested interest in the ultimate vision.
Second, the design team works together to produce a set of finished documents that address all aspects of design. Third, since the input of all the players is gathered at one event, it is possible to avoid the prolonged discussions that typically delay conventional planning projects. Finally, the finished result is produced more efficiently and cost effectively because the process is collaborative. Charrettes are organized to encourage the participation of all. That includes everyone who is interested in the making of a development: the developer, business interests, government officials, interested residents, and activists. Ultimately, the purpose of the charrette is to give all the participants enough information to make good decisions during the planning process.
Everyone is welcomed to meet with the consultant team during Open Studio hours at the Coldwell Banker Caine offices. The Open Studio is similar to an open house. Walk-in as you please and see what the team is working on!

Friday, February 18, 2022 3:00PM – 5:00PM
Coldwell Banker Caine, 111 Williams St, Greenville, SC 29601
Saturday, February 19, 2022 10:00AM – 12:00PM
Coldwell Banker Caine, 111 Williams St, Greenville, SC 29601
Tuesday, February 22 5:00PM – 7:00PM
Bon Secours Wellness Arena, 650 N Academy St, Greenville, SC 29601
Saturday, February 19 — 3:00PM – 6:00PM
Sunday, February 20 — 3:00PM – 6:00PM
Monday, February 21 — 10:00AM – 12:00PM